Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just a quickie...

Weird News Wednesday

James likes to build card houses. Anytime he starts to think he's cool, I just remind him of things like that. It keeps him humble. But he's never done anything like this! This dude used 218,792 cards to build a mini casino. Quite a gamble, yeah? Wocka, wocka, wocka. (I like to keep myself humble too by typing bad jokes)

Want to see some cool pics of an eclipse? I thought you did.

An all-black penguin?

And a granny who has horns.

That's all I have time for right now. It's the second day of my grad program and I have to get back to class, but I haven't forgotten you faithful readers, and by readers, I mean probably only my parents anymore. Sorry bout not postin' n' all, but life is purty dang hectic raht nah. (That's GA speak, try saying it out loud)

I need to do another poly post - it's been a long time and I'd love to talk about Massa and all his crazy naked shower shenanigans. Anyone interested?

K, bye now.