Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just a quickie...

Weird News Wednesday

James likes to build card houses. Anytime he starts to think he's cool, I just remind him of things like that. It keeps him humble. But he's never done anything like this! This dude used 218,792 cards to build a mini casino. Quite a gamble, yeah? Wocka, wocka, wocka. (I like to keep myself humble too by typing bad jokes)

Want to see some cool pics of an eclipse? I thought you did.

An all-black penguin?

And a granny who has horns.

That's all I have time for right now. It's the second day of my grad program and I have to get back to class, but I haven't forgotten you faithful readers, and by readers, I mean probably only my parents anymore. Sorry bout not postin' n' all, but life is purty dang hectic raht nah. (That's GA speak, try saying it out loud)

I need to do another poly post - it's been a long time and I'd love to talk about Massa and all his crazy naked shower shenanigans. Anyone interested?

K, bye now.


Charlotte said...

I miss your Weird News Wednesdays! Good luck with the grad program.

That house of cards, I'd hate to be the parent of the kids who bumps the window and knocks it down. That is seriously amazing. I wonder what the market for professional card building is?

Eclipse was beautiful. Makes me hope to see one some day.

That penguin was pretty cool. I'm sure the one in a zillion probability was completely scientific.

And the granny with horns? Probably joined the LDS church and someone forgot to teach her about the filing. ;P

I'd love to hear the Massa jokes. I've heard some good ones. {Don't forget to include his recent claim that he wasn't doing anything wrong, he was just in a tickle fight with his aides, just like he did in the navy.}

Mom/Grandmomma said...

Of course, your momma reads this!

Becky said...

I love your Weird News posts, too! Even if I can't check all the time, I love going back and reading them!
Hope you are hanging in there!