Friday, May 21, 2010

Just a quick story. That's all I got time for...

James and I were trading riddles with the kids while running errands. James ran in someplace. I was kind of done with coming up with clever puns for the kids to figure out. So this was my riddle.

me: OK, it's a hamster. It lives in a cage, runs on a wheel, and is little and fluffy. What is it?
Bud: A guinea pig?

And a good time was had by all.

So James gets back into the truck. We're still laughing. I repeat the riddle to him.

James: A guinea pig!

At least Bud comes by it honestly...


Charlotte said...

I think, if I ever need to be in a riddle contest, I want it to be against them.

Obviously the answer is a teenage mutant ninja turtle.

Becky said...

Love you guys!

Tire Swing Mom said...

I did the same thing with my daughter once in teaching ways to approach word problems. It went something like this...

Me: The school cafeteria is out of hotdogs today. They costs 1.00 each. You pay with a $5 bill. How much change will you get in return today?

Daughter: Oh! Oh! Oh! I know this one...$4.00!!!

I've enjoyed visiting your blog today and will return.

ucmama said...

Ooooh Charlotte, you ARE good!

Curly, right back atcha

Tyla, welcome and I'm gonna use that one. I'll let you know how it goes.