Thursday, September 17, 2009

Things that make my life more interesting...

the Hamster, "reading" his fortune at the Chinese restaurant: "You will go to a pawty with M&M's and ice cweam!"


Warning: this is disgusting.
Sassafras was told to get a gallon ziplock full of dogfood to take camping with us. (It was for the dogs, we aren't that primitive). She came back and asked how she was supposed to get it. Wha? Come on, Sass, use the cup in the dogfood bag for crying out loud. James goes to check on her after about 15 minutes. I walk into the kitchen a minute behind him. What is in that bag?!? It does NOT look like foo- IT'S POOP! I saw it before I could stop myself and spun into the bathroom. Thankfully, I had only eaten yogurt and yogurt rejoining the land of the living is still pretty much yogurt. Sassafras, obedient little girl that she is (yeah, right) thought her daddy had asked her to fill a bag full of dog poop. WHY, Sass, WHY? I don't know she said, I thought it was kind of weird...


As I was walking to school the other day, a guy in a Navigator drove by and I smelled his cologne. How much cologne do you have to be wearing for pedestrians to smell it?


The checkout lady at Sam's filled me on her daughter's broken arm, her mother's car problems, and how crappy this winter will be here in IA all in under 5 minutes. I thought I was in GA.


When we did go camping, without the bag of poop, Pickles told me it was the best camping trip ever. He tells me that about everything. Every birthday party is the best ever. Every trip, every Christmas, every visit from a relative, is the best ever. It's quite uplifting to live with such an enthusiastic kid.


Speaking of relatives visiting, we had my mom come visit (Yay!) 2 weekends ago, and then James' dad came to visit last weekend. Now, we are (hopefully) going to see Granny, Aunt Beccah, and the cousins in just a few weeks. All this love coming to visit us is awesome!


I gotta go to class, I'll post again soon. I'm sure you are all wondering about the Obama school speech thang...


Carrot Jello said...

This made me L.O.L. Especially the ziploc bag of poop.

Jenny P. said...

please oh please tell me you washed the cup that is normally used to dish out the dogfood...

ucmama said...

Anytime, Carrot.

Rest easy, Mommy J, I threw it away.

Charlotte said...

What an obedient child. This is a lesson on the importance of enunciation!

ucmama said...

The thing is Charlotte, Sass questions everything we ask her to do. She doesn't brush her teeth or wear a winter coat in January without asking why. So why would she be OK with bagging up poop? It defies all logic, truly it does.