Monday, August 10, 2009

Conversations with kids...

Bud: I'm a storm!
me: A tornado?
Bud: edible play-dough?
me: no, a tornado!
Bud: um, no, just a storm.

me: Sass! get your dirty socks off my counter!
the Hamster: Ewwwwwwww!!!! I hate counters!

Pickles: Oh Dagnabbit! Blast it all!

Pickles: Mom, BunBun (his rabbit) really likes it when I make him pretend like he's talking. He says things like 'More celery please, and less onions. Thanks' BunBun is very polite.
me: I appreciate politeness in a pet.

the Hamster: If I go poo-poo potty, I can hab a twain?
me: like Thomas?
the Hamster: no, a WEAL twain.
me: use the potty and we'll talk...

all of them, constantly, anytime we drive anywhere, even if I've already told them a million times: Where are we going?
me: Crazy, and you're driving

the Hamster: What do shawks eat, Mom? he's a boy, let the shark fascination begin...
me: other fish
the Hamster: Dat's nat-ty! if I was a shawk, I would eat CAKE!

Sass: I am SO glad I'm not a boy...

Bud (who's birthday is late this month): I'm gonna have two birthdays this year Mom. That way, I can be 7 instead of turning 6 after everyone else. It's hard to start first grade when I'm only 5.
me: Wow, Bud. That was an incredibly wise thing to say.
Bud: Ok, but I don't know what wise means.

Pickles: Why do you have to go to school all the time? You already know so much stuff!


Charlotte said...

Your kids are pretty funny. Did you have to throw the socks away, after sitting on the hated counter?

The last quote- that is priceless. You should tape record it and use it in future arguments. (Is the term tape record antiquated? Is there a more proper, modern term for it?)

logan said...


Becky said...

Gotta love it!
Chach has her special way of asking nicely for things... check out my blog. It will make you smile!
Oh, Potty Training. I don't think even a real train will help that much at our house!

ucmama said...

No Charlotte, but we did wash their mouths out for sitting on the counter. The socks, I mean.

Logan - right back at ya <3

Curly - How is the Chuckie Cheese bribery working?