Saturday, June 06, 2009

4 grits warning

Well, this may be an opening for the restablishment of certain gospel laws. New Hampshire, one of those states that not a whole lot of people know anything about, has polygamy advocates up in arms after they passed a same-sex marriage law. The polygamists argue that if two guys/gals can get married, then why can't more than two people make a marriage. I realize that marriage in the temple is only between a man and a woman. But will gay marriage laws repave the path toward polygamy? It is a very interesting debate to think about.

I try not to think about the end of times too often. It's a heavy heavy topic. One that I'm not entirely comfortable with, actually.

So anyway, if you have any thoughts on this, feel free to comment. I promise not to attack you, unless you attack first. But any thoughtful interesting comments are welcome.


Charlotte said...

I was wondering about this yesterday. For instance, due to Sam's Club attempt to not discriminate between certain couples, my sister and I were considered "married" to get a membership. I think once the door is open, it has to be open to just about anything.

Jenny P. said...

Interesting, for sure. Here's what I think... I think that even if civil law eventually legalized polygamy, that isn't necessarily an indication that it would be re-adopted as a gospel law. There is a scripture in Jacob that says the Lord delights in the chastity of women, and that a man should have one wife (forgive my paraphrasing)unless the Lord commands differently. It also says that he has commanded it in the past to raise up seed. So... I don't buy into the idea that it's the way it will eventually be for everyone if not in this life than certainly the next. When the Lord needed to raise up seed and build a righteous body of Saints (think Abraham, building the tribes of Israel, and then of course, the early saints) he instated the practice of plural marriage. But if there is no need for it, then... the lord delights in the chastity of women... one man, one woman, one wife... and all that other stuff that Jacob says. wish I could quote the scripture right off the top of my head. It was very influential in my developing an opinion about the whole thing. And sorry for the long and confusing comment. :)