Friday, July 24, 2009

I've been chastised for taking so long between posting. I suppose I could post rather than facebook, but since fb is like TV for me (I don't watch TV btw), I don't need my brain. I can zone out and read my news, catch up with people, etc, without having to think up any commentary on stuff. But since you are here, you must be interested at least a little, and some of you a lottle, by the thinks I think.

So here's a few things that have been niggling my brain.

I'm taking a physics survey course. And as much fun as trying to remember trig functions is, sometimes it's a bit boring. *gasp!* I know. But my teacher said something poetic the other day, which added to the marbles rolling around in my noggin.

Picking a flower could move a star.

Due to the effects of gravity, everything has some impact on everything else. This is not a new thought to me. You can't sit on top of a mountain and not have this thought. But it's been awhile since I've either thought this, or sat atop a mountain.

My teacher for one of my business classes also added to the marble pile by reminding us to sit still for about 10 minutes everyday.

I don't think I've done enough of that lately.

And when I don't sit still with myself enough, I find myself questioning things from an outside perspective rather than from within. Which is where I should start my thinks. My ideas and decisions, when born from silence and reverence, have a divine origin. When the silence is drowned by the noises from school, other people, the kids' Wii/movies, loud music, get the picture, then I lose that peaceful facet.

I need to go again. There are things I must take care and then I think I will go find a quiet corner to myself for awhile. If you have a comment, feel free to leave it. If you have any particular way that you renew yourself, I'd love to read it.


Charlotte said...

What is this thing you call sitting still? Does it truly exist or is it just theoretical? I would comment more but my physics majoring self is still licking my wounds... (boring?)

ucmama said...

Let me clear up what I meant, because I don't want you to continue licking yourself Charlotte. Sitting still does exist. Imagine the side of a building. There is a 90 degree angle with the ground. If you are sitting still, 50 feet from the building, what is the angle of you and the ground? See? Wasn't that fun?

I actually enjoy physics, I'm just taking a 6-week accelerated course from someone with an accent that's not American after not having taken physics since highschool as well as taking 20 other credit hours. Whew! I need to go sit still somewhere again, I think!