But it's here now, and that's what matters.
How I spent my evening…
I studied and memorized the entire periodic table. It was great! I balanced redox equations with ease and handmade a Madame Curie costume all within an hour. Pickles presented a full length opera he had composed, Bud softly played a difficult piece by Mozart, and the Hamster painted a family portrait in oils. James made a 3 course meal that was healthy and balanced, while Sassafras was away at an accelerated learning Boarding Camp for gifted girls. Our house was spotless, the dogs taught themselves to use the restroom AND flush, and we found a check for $500 dollars that had fallen behind a cabinet! It was amazing! We ended the evening with a family singalong and homemade granola that had been baking at a low temperature for several hours so as not to destroy the enzymes present in all the raw nuts and seeds I had added.
Here, have some wading boots, because it’s getting kind of deep in here.
How I ACTUALLY spent my evening…
I hid in my room, the only one with a window AC unit. James interrupted me 10 minutes later, 10 FREAKIN MINUTES! later to ask what to make the boys for dinner. When I explained that it was kind of his job to think of something tonight since he was done with school for the next month and I’m taking a difficult class, he said the boys had been eating all day and probably weren’t hungry right now anyway.
The boys interrupted 10 minutes after that to ask what I was making for dinner because they were starving. I
Pickles did NOT compose an opera – he sat in front of the Wii for 2 hours straight. Bud did NOT play the piano, he whined about not being able to play the Wii because he screamed at the dentist’s today for 30 minutes about having to have x-rays taken (which eventually weren’t). the Hamster did NOT paint a canvas, he actually pooped in his underwear twice. When they were finally sent to bed, they asked what they had eaten for dinner.
Sass was away all day being a Mother’s Helper to a friend so she could make some fun money to spend when she’s in GA for a week without us. That’s a whole other post…
The house is a mess, I found a strainer full of blueberries (and fruit flies) under the dining room table, and the washing machine hasn’t been working for a week. Why? Because I decided to wash the bathroom rug. The 10 year-old bathroom rug being held together with dirt and
Tonight was the night. The night the washing machine was going down. I was beyond being able to wear the same pair of pants for another day. The washer had to be conquered. I saw things and smelled things that will haunt me for years. Things no mother in a civilized society should ever see/smell. But I won. And I will wear clean pants again!
What a night! Good job beating the washing machine. When are you ever coming to Newnan Ward so we can see your smiling face?!?!
um.... speechless.
I really did think the first one was true until, well you got to Sass. :)
Then, when I realized WHAT was really true, I threw up a little in my mouth, thinking about the rug held together with um what did you call it, love?
I know I always say this and you know you actually have to do this, because I do not take the initiative like you do- but seriously- CALL ME and waive your white flag. I know some kids that would have been happy to have company over for dinner while their parents collected their sanity that had been scattered by all the chaos that somehow, unbelievably did not disappear entirely.
So- please do not hesitate to holla when you need something, especially clean laundry. I will not help with cleaning the washer out- but you are more than welcome to use mine. the machines, not my clean laundry :)
Okay, probably the longest comment ever and yes I do realize that this is your blog :)
Maybe I am not so speechless afterall :)
If you need help or if you fall in, please call us!!! We are strong folks experienced in clothes washer saves!!!
PS Hand made Madame Curie costumes, Mozart and and oil paintings don't happen on Thursdays. Try again on a Friday or a Tuesday.
No knight has ever conquered a dragon as horrid as the washed the wrong thing washing machine. If it makes you feel any better, my friend once had to clean out the worms her 5 boys had all stuffed into their shorts.
Good luck with your class. I would recommend lots more door locked sessions (apparently it has the side benefit of saving you the cost of buying dinner food, too).
Wendy - when airline tickets are free, I build a robot clone of myself, and I learn to seuspend time for a week. It'll probably be a while, but I'm working on it. You are welcome to come visit us, though! Have you ever seen corn? We have a lot of it!
Mama H - I was all excited cause I thought I was gonna get to wear some of your shirts...
Curly - I will call you strong folks over one of these nights to actually do some oil painting.
Charlotte - your story about worms actually DID make me feel a little better!
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