Monday, August 09, 2010

Science. And stuff.

When I was little, I wanted to go to the Bermuda Triangle. I also wanted to go to Disney World, so I guess I wasn't too weird. I was just curious. I've always been interested in conspiracy theories, alien life-forms, and strange science and the Triangle has always been such an attractive mystery to me. Well, scientists think they've figured it out. It's cool, but in a way, it's a little disappointing. I guess I'll have to ponder something else now, like where the Earth's magnetic field comes from, or what ball lightning is exactly.

So I guess it shouldn't surprise me that the Hamster wants to be a scientist. I think it's mostly influenced by Bud, who I'm currently designing a "science/space" room for. Don't worry, I'll put pics up when I'm done with it. The Hamster was falling asleep in my room last night so the rest of them could fall asleep peacefully without the tiny night owl laughing maniacally and jumping on their beds. I'm lying there with him and he's telling me all about wanting to be a scientist when he grows up. Why, I ask. Because scientists are good. They help people. They build robots. I wanted to know what he would do with his robot. It would do his chores he answered. Doesn't that sound like a benevolent and humanitarian reason? So the robot can put away the silverware. He continues to tell me about scientists. They spearmint. They walk around. They listen to their moms...

Good boy.


Olivia Meikle said...

I ALSO always wanted to go to the Bermuda Triangle. And Disneyworld.

I refuse to believe this. It's no fun. The Men In Black told people they were seeing swamp gas too . . .

Charlotte said...

I knew I liked you for a reason. These things have always fascinated me, too. I am drawn to Coast to Coast, but at the same time listen to Skeptics Guide to the Universe all the time.

Scientists ROCK!

Mom/Grandmomma said...

Awwww. You always liked to spearmint also.