Sunday, September 21, 2008

How to Make Eggs Like a 5-Year Old

1. Make sure Grandmama is on the porch watching a sibling, and Mom is dozing on the couch.
2. Get 5 eggs out of the fridge.
3. Drop 2 on the floor and put the other 3 in a plastic bowl.
4. Throw a couple paper towels on top of the eggs on the floor.
5. Mix the eggs in the bowl, being sure to slosh egg on the table.
6. Put the eggs in the microwave.
7. Push 6517 and start on the microwave and go back in to watch T.V.
8. Wonder why, after about 10 minutes, grownups start running to the kitchen hollering.
9. Wonder what smells like burnt behind.
10. Enjoy!


sarah said...

I feel- I mean smell.. your pain!!

Olivia Meikle said...

Okay, that's just funny. Go Thing 3!

Eve said...

Ha ha ha!

The Rogers Family said...

That sounds yummy !!! I hope the rest of that day went ok. ha ha ha