Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ol' Long Legs... (say it with a Southern accent, it sounds better)

The dog ate severa* keys off my keyboard so if there are some *etters missing its his fau*t
*ucki*y it was just the *etter before m after k and some punctuation keys

This is a picture of the woman with the longest legs in the world. First a side note: Whenever anyone says anything like the longest, tallest, smelliest, whatever, my brain, in it's competitive glory, says Oh come on, there's GOT to be SOMEthing longer, taller, smellier, etc.
Anyway, this woman's legs are almost 52 inches long. I am almost 65 tall. The average human is about 7.5 heads tall. So I guess my head would be 8.7 inches tall. She's 76 inches but most of that is obviously legs. So that leaves 24 inches for her torso and head. I suppose my head would come up to about her breasts. The little guy underneath her (seriously, underneath her skirt?) is the shortest guy in the world (who can walk). I don't think I would have agreed to this shot. He may be tiny, but he's still a guy. I'm sorry if you were expecting something a little more profound, but everyone likes a little freakiness every once in while, so gawk away!

they didn't ask me to the photo shoot, but if they had...

1 comment:

NOBODY said...

YOU are funny.

I don't really understand the point of putting her next to the smallest man if the point was to show how long her legs are. I mean, MY legs look long next to that dude. So, put her next to an average person, THEN we can see the real contrast.

Geez, Bo's legs look long next to that guy. AND he's sitting down!? How can that help?

Look at me getting all worked up over the world's smallest man.

You're broadening my horizons.