Friday, February 20, 2009

I have strep throat for the first time ever.
I've taken 4 out of 6 finals in the last 3 days.
Hamster has a double ear infection.
So you don't get any kind of pithy post.

But you do get a good one.

It's a Pay-It-Forward post.

Be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment on this post and I will send you a handmade gift sometime in the next 3 months.
You get to pay it forward as well by doing the same thing for 3 people on your blog.
Once you leave a comment telling me that you want to participate, you need to make a pay it forward post on your blog within one day.
So, anyone game? You can be a friend, family member, or even a random visitor to this blog. Just as long as you’re willing to pay it forward, you are eligible to participate!

(I got this from a friend's blog. I haven't decided yet what it will be, but don't worry, it will AWESOME. :)


Eve said...

I'm thinking about it, you know how much I relish Michelle-made things.

Rebekah said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! Meeeeeeeee!!!! YESSSS!!!!!!

Becky said...

Sign me up! Something made by the hands of you!!! I know it will be amazing and probably worth so much someday! (0:
I am sorry you guys are sick!! I hope you survived finals! And are starting to get better!

Charlotte said...

Nothing like srep throat to add some fun to a stressful week.

Good luck with finals and I hope everyone feels well soon.

ucmama said...

Do it Eve!

Watch your mailboxes girls.

Thanks Charlotte!