Sunday, February 08, 2009

Snow Day Sledding

This is what we do for fun here too. It's not all watching cars try to make it up really big hills.

Pickles rolling around in the snow

I took a camp stove and made hot chocolate on a picnic table

Hamster was done with sledding early and decided to play with his trains in the car

Yes. I took a picture of Pickles crying. It will be filed with the pictures I have of Pickles crying at the zoo, the museum, the library, the amusement park, fireworks displays, etc. It's for posterity. So when he's a daddy and he whines about having a whiny kids later on, I'll have proof that he is getting what he deserves. Uh, I mean, he's just sensitive.

This is what Bud did while the rest of us were sledding. He doesn't like to be cold. Smart kid.

The reason there are no close-ups of Sassafras is because she was sledding down the hill with our friends while I was taking care of three little boys who didn't want to have any fun. Hopefully our friend *hint, hint* will email any pics she took of Sass.


Becky said...

I love the winter! It has been a bit rough, but I love snow and sledding and snowmen!!!
Your kids are darling!

ucmama said...
