Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This is how we eat watermelon round heah

I had to stop them from eating the rind

BTW, if anyone has seen a baby dwarf hamster rolling down the road (or anywhere else)in a small clear plastic ball, Sassafras has misplaced her new birthday pet...


Eve said...

So are you guys staying with us!!?

Olivia Meikle said...

Wait, an actual hamster, or Thing 4 Hamster?

That's how N ate an entire watermelon yesterday. Minus the forks. He just stuck his face in it.

Anonymous said...

Aw MANNNNNNNNNN. Olivia stole my comment.

I was gonna say if I found your little hamster rolling down the street, I prolly won't be giving him back. Even if he is Sassafrass's birthday present.