Thursday, April 02, 2009

'Cause I be bored, Matey, I be writing this whole post in the language of pirates, ARRRRR!

So oy be taken me kids to school t'day fer some brain-swabbing. We be gettin up fair early round these ports. They be a bit, might grouchy in the morn, an I ha' t'say I canna blame em, me hearty.

Me wee Hamster tole me he do not wanna get up ou' the snug-ly sheets. Yarr, I say to th' lad! Hoist your main sail and get a move on!

Do we be havin t' go t' the house o' learnin agin, Ma?, they do be pleadin! Aye, I say. There be power in th' booty of knowledge, ya lily-livered sprogs!

Then off me ownself true. To school I be goin to, for how else to be earnin th' fine dubloons when we be graduating?

After a sittin through many a long hour of land-lubbers a teachin, it be time to pirate me wee tiny mateys agin. I be pullin the Jolly Roger up to the port, an I do see the lil wench Sassafras a'ter Bud a'lookin to keel haul him! Shiver me timbers, I do be sayin!

He be a no good, dirty Scallywag!, she do declare. I be offerin em all the greatest grandest grog for snack an they be a quietin down.

We be havin a fine good peaceful eve here on th furner. I got pieces o eight in me bibs, I aint be makin no one walk th plank or be sendin them to Davy Jones locker, an I be a happy lass!

Thar be a grand good day in th life of a buccaneer lass, me hearty...



Eve said...

Did you have a Pirate Dictionary per chance to help you with that post. Oh, the power of words. I couldn't read it without mentally using a pirate voice, a male pirate voice even, and when I read it aloud to my mom, I realized that it was totally involuntary. I really had no choice!

M.Howerton said...

5 STARS!!!!

That there was an Awesome READ!!
A good pirate you are fo sho!

I'm particularly fond of the jolly roger pullin up to port, the lil' wench, the grandest grog for snack and Davy Jones Locker!! Ha HA HA!!

you're Awesome!!

Mikey said...

That was amazing! Can you do that on the fly while you talk? You could be on... Rikki Lake or something!

NOBODY said...

Seriously? What did you do, take Piratese in high school or something?

Ahoy, well, e'en girls from Missouri can pull o' a little Pirate, matey.

Poor Hammy. I hate getting out of bed in the morning too.

Richard said...

Oh man. That tested my brain power today!!!
But it made me laugh!