Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's all in a name

James has requested that I call him Dr. Husband on my blog from now on. Since he never reads this unless I read it to him, he won't really know, now will he? He was Onion Head as a baby, so...

We used to call my sister Elizabeth, Lizard Breath and Lickabutt, but only when my mom wasn't around. We also call her E because with such a long name (9 letters!) that's how she signed stuff as a kid.

One of my favorite extra moms always answered Mrs. Santa Claus when she called the house and we politely asked who was calling please.

My nickname is Shelle cause that's what I said my name was when asked as a wee lass.

Sassafras is sometimes Shorty, or said Shawty.

Pickles desperately wants a nickname. Maybe Tuffy. It was my dad's nickname as a kid and I think it's pretty cool. I need to think up a good one before other little boys give him an embarrassing one. Like the Kid Who Won't Keep His Finger Out Of His Nose.


Anonymous said...

you are funny
dr husband is hilarious
and sorry, last nickname's already been taken. For all three of my kids.

Olivia Meikle said...

He doesn't get to be Dr. Husband till he EARNS it, man! Finish those boards . . .