Wednesday, October 29, 2008

For Louise, cause she likes me I guess :)

10 Years Ago I...
1. was about to be pregnant with Sassafras
2. was living south of Atlanta
3. was going to school 2 colleges ago
4. was 20
5. had hair down to my booty

5 Things on today's "to do" list...
1. painting
2. driving
3. cleaning
4. blogging ;P
5. breathing

5 things I would do if I were a millionaire...
1. pay off debt
2. help family with school/debt
3. travel
4. invest
5. build a center for kids who can't read good

5 places I have lived...
1. Lilburn
2. Snellville
3. Carrollton
4. Newnan
5. where I live now

5 jobs I have had...
1. Hat tag taker-offer
2. Commissioned artist
3. retail
4. fast food
5. data input

I tag 5 of whoever wants to do this - so, you, you, you, you, and you


Olivia Meikle said...

See, the only thing this blog was lacking was a good Zoolander reference. Now, it is perfect.

NOBODY said...

what about adults who can't read good but really really want to?

and waaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiit a second. I do not recall ONE MENTION of YOU living in Carrollton the other night.

I understand so much now...

ucmama said...

I was not BORN there. I was not RAISED there. I only lived there for a year and I did not drink the water.

The Rogers Family said...

Thanks Michelle I think you are the only one who did it. I feel so loved !!!! Wish we could go to I hop tonite together miss you tons