Monday, March 09, 2009

I need a new camera.

My birthday is in June.


No new news on the finding a new place to live issue. We're thinking about buying a house that needs some cosmetic work done (NOT structural) and just fixing it up. I have another year before I finish my latest degree, so I'll have at least half a year following to finish prettifying a house.
So if you know of a house that:
  • doesn't cost too much
  • doesn't need a ridiculous amount of work done to it
  • is in a neighborhood that doesn't require bullet-proof glass and/or bars in the windows
  • isn't in a neighborhood where "pretty" girls hang out on street corners
let me know, k?


Adolescent Family said...

There is a house about a block northeast of us for rent :) Then you wouldn't have to buy! Just a thought :)

M.Howerton said...

pretty girls on the corner, huh?
Well, that is a lot of places- man you are easy.
And um, what's wrong with bullet proof glass requirements? just wondering? it's not like I am already freaked out about the place and neighborhood you live now. really, it's not scary at 11 o'clock at night at all :)

sarah said...

Do I count as pretty?

Becky said...

I was thinking that Word Girl and Nobo and I were pretty! (0:
Talk to the Kitchen's. They just closed on a house. Maybe they will have a few ideas!

ucmama said...

Maybe you ladies aren't thinking of the same kind of pretty that I'm thinking of...