Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm sick. A new camera would probably help me feel better.

I can't stop coughing. It's a dry barking cough that makes my chest/head/throat/hair/toenails/bellybutton hurt.

I started classes again today. 18 hours, including A&P II, X-Ray Tech, Radiographic Anatomy, and others. It should be interesting.

You know what else is interesting? That I thought 12 hours of classes was hard when I was 18 with no husband, job, or children. Now I would love to only take 12 hours at a time. But I'd also like to finish this degree.

One cool thing about X-Ray Tech is that the final project is to make an art project using x-rays. I'll have to think about what I'd like to do with this. It should be fun.

Now I have to go scoop my brains up off the floor where I just coughed them out.


Carrot Jello said...

Make sure you get every last bit. I'd hate to come over and step in your brain bits.

logan said...

Hope you feel better!!

Anonymous said...

... and yet, no one has remarked on the not so subtle camera comment. Good try. As your mom, I'm impressed. :-) However, you'll have to wait until June. Love you.

M.Howerton said...

I am with you on the camera thing. Subtle hinting is the best. I know a new one would make me feel better too and I am not even sick. well maybe a little.

I love how you turn everything into a laugh fest. Is it too soon to invite you over again?

Becky said...

Sorry for sick! I am hopefully (don't get my hopes up) starting to feel better!!!!
I want to chat more about the classes you are taking and stuff. I might be intersted in that!
I want to see your art project when it is done!!
I want a new camera, too!

ucmama said...

Carrot, if you were stepping in my brains, at least it would mean you were visiting - wheeeeeeeeee!

Logan, thanks :)


Mama Howerton, I thought I invited myself over, and I'll probably do it again soon

Curly, anytime, anytime