Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm still sick. I went to the doctor and she told me the best thing for me is a camera.

I skipped school today. I got up to take the kids to their schools and came back to bed. I slept until 1PM. It was great. But not enough to cure me. I'll probably try to sleep more tomorrow.

Since trying to come up with a good post is as easy for me right now as trying to run through jello would be, I'll just share a few kidling conversations we've had lately.

me: Stop trying to ride the dog!
Hamster: Buh, he WIKES it!

Bud: There's that graveyard you take us to sometimes, Mom.
me: Sure is.
Bud: I like going there for picnics, to take walks, to color on the tombstones...
(for the record, we do rubbings, we do NOT color the headstones)
me: Yeah, it's nice.
Bud: When can we go there again?
me: When it's warm out again.
Bud: When can we dig up one of the graves?
me: (fully becoming aware of the convo rather than half-listening) WHAT!?!?!?
Bud: I want to dig up a grave.
me: What? WHY?
Bud: You know, to see a body.
me: Yeah, you know Bud, we're not going to do that. When we go, it's important to be respectful of the people who died. We don't dig up bodies, Dude.
Bud: (quietly) awwww, man

Pickles: There's a kid at school whose eyebrows make a point over the middle of his nose.
me: That's called a unibrow. U-N-I-B-R-O-W. 'uni' means one.
Pickles: OK, so anyway, this kid with the eyebrows called me a wiener dog.
me: Oh yeah? What did you say?
Pickles: I thought it was funny and I also think wiener dogs are cute.
me: Did you say that you thought wiener dogs are cute?
Pickles: No, I just thought it.
me: You probably shouldn't go around saying things are cute so much at school.

This is normally where I would put a funny story about Sassafras. Lately, however, the things she's been saying have been a lot more obnoxious than funny. Oh well, I guess she doesn't get to be famous this week.


logan said...

can I just say how much I love you?


and your kids of course. all 3 of these made me crack up (especially buds).

I can't wait to see you guys come May!

Hope you feel better soon!!

M.Howerton said...

I don't know if I should be offended or thankful that you have never invited me to join you at the graveyard......Thankful :)

These are hilarious!! especially the ever so subtle camera comment.

Thehereandnow said...

I am sorry you are sick. I think I will call you.

Super Happy Girl said...

Booo to being sick.

So you are not going to dig up a body. Man, you're so not fun.

I have indeed heard that cameras are good for sick moms.

NOBODY said...

It's totally going into my parenting 101 manual, when I write it.

"You will probably say at some point in your parenting career, 'We don't dig up bodies' and you won't even bat an eye, because it will be necessary to say. Don't believe me? Have a child, let him simmer for 4-8 years--and you'll say it."