Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lemme give you a twopic.
Twalk amongst ya-selves.

*Why does the busiest airport in the world have chicken bones on the floor in Baggage Claim?

*Why does my 3.5 yr-old have no interest in potty-training unless it involves bribery? Perhaps I'm being played?

*Why would a old gross smoker ask me if any of us darlin's have a cigarette when it was me and 2 of my KIDS standing there?

*Why have my children been obsessed with the fattest-man-in-the-world?

*Why have I wanted to send them a postcard "from" the fattest-man-in-the-world (asking them to bring him more food and if they don't he'll eat them) as a joke?

*Who told my kindergartner that we live in the nostril of the state we live in? (If you know what state we live in, look, we live right at the nose)

*What in the world did the dog eat, because the hork on the carpet is unidentifiable? (just so you know, I cleaned it up BEFORE I blogged)

*Why did I just break my own I-don't-post-about-vomit rule?

*Why have I decided to up my school hours from 18 to virtually 30?

*When did the kids going to high school become closer in age to my daughter than to me?

*Why are there popcorn kernels all over the living room floor, when I don't buy popcorn?

*Why am I blogging about them instead of vacuuming them up?

*Why are you still reading this post?



InkMom said...

Honey, don't you know it's not bribery if you're trying to get your kids to do good things? I mean, there's a huge difference between, "Hey, kid, I'll give you a lollipop if you deliver this bag of pot to your neighbor" and, "Come on, little Johnny, pee on the potty and you can have an M&M!"

And also . . . bribery is the only thing that works, at least for my kids.

Mikey said...

You don't live in the nostril of the state, it's the nostril of the country! I like your Minnesota hat, by the way.

Becky said...

Oh, potty-training.
I have been waiting and putting it off. But I think I am going to start on Monday!
I will pray for you if you will pray for me!
PS Bribing works! That is how the whole world works (see Blagojavic, etc...).

Olivia Meikle said...

Methinks Hamster needs some Chinese style split-pants. Then you won't have to worry about pesky diapers any more, and Hamster can learn the fine art of blaming things on the dog.
