Thursday, November 20, 2008

This is my 50th post. I'm not doing anything cool like telling you 50 things about myself - I'll save that for my 100th post or something. I'll tell you one cool thing though. One time I traded a pick-up truck full of fire wood for 2 big billy goats. I got the goats and got rid of firewood I didn't need. I didn't really need the goats either, but we used them to clear away underbrush. One of the goats had his horns and one didn't. The one with the horns looked really mean but he was actually the nicer one. I just think the bald one was jealous. He had horn envy. What happened to the goats you ask? I'll tell you later...

Well GrandDad is being moved to a rehab center today. GrandNorma is optomistic, and if she is, then we should be too.

James is almost done being sick.

I didn't have a migraine today.

So things are looking a little brighter today. Even though it's overcast and there is snow falling from the sky. But the kids will be excited. There are some really awesome hills near here that are great for sledding. And you can get pretty good sleds here even at Walmart. In GA, we usually just used garbage can lids or laundry baskets. The poor kids just used cardboard pieces. Or nothing. But the snow only lasts for a couple days down there, so you gotta take what you get.

Somebody asked me what the UC was for in ucmama. That's my blogger handle for all you unedumacated folks. It stands for unassisted childbirth. Dr. Husband delivered Bud at home with just the two of us there. And we did it on purpose. That's usually the next question. I have to say that it was a choice experience. There is nothing else like it. It was beautiful and magical and not in the least scary. That's usually the question after the on purpose question. Was it scary? I felt very prepared and we also lived less than 5 miles from 2 different hospitals, even though I was sure we weren't going to need them. I put a lot of prayer, thought, and preparation into giving birth at home. It takes a lot of acceptance of responsibilty to do it and it's not for very many people. But I wouldn't trade that experience for the anything. If you want to know anything else about it, like the technical details, feel free to email me. If you have something nasty to say about it, let me preempitvely say mind your own business. Actually, I would probaly say something much nastier...

I would like to tell Eve that I hope she feels better very soon. This is not a nice time of year to be sick and have two sick babies. But when you let your kids eat off the floor...
Don't worry, I won't tell anyone :)

Also, a shout out to Nobody for calling me and asking if I needed help with anything and then coming over and bringing Big J and cleaning for an hour straight. J is into cleaning supplies and he had the best stuff ever. He got juice, ink, dog pee, and verious other nastiness out of the carpet, as well as making my kitchen sparkly. That is so totally what I needed and you are very good friends - Thanks.

I especially appreciated having a clean kitchen because I had ten people in it last night making candles for an Achievement Girls activity last night. 7 girls from church, 3 moms, and 1 friend of Sassy's were gathered into my kitchen as I taught them how to pour and dip candles. It was a lot of fun and I'm glad it only lasted an hour. Any moms whose kid was here last night - your daughter behaved beautifully and everything was fine. I hope she had a good time.

So the goats...
We slaughtered one of them. Well, we had a friend do it. I was a little too squemish to do it. In hindsight, he may have been a little too jazzed about it. It was the hornless one. The meat was nasty. Our friend kept the rocky mountain oysters and gave us some of the other parts. I tried to hide it in stew, but we ended up just feeding it to the dogs. It's OK though, since I only paid some firewood for him. The horny goat was sold. I got $30 for him. Somebody in Carrollton cam and picked him up. Apparently it was goat-buying day for this guy, because he had a whole trailor full.

Ima go get an adjustment in a bit. Of the spinal variety rather than for my attitude. Having good friends and family has adjusted that pretty well I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Horn envy? Ima go? You are funny.

I was going to tell you sorry my husband crashed our potential party of me pretending to clean, but instead talking a lot. But it looks like it worked out because I believe you mentioned a sparkly kitchen, so really, there's nothing to apologize for. :)

I'm glad you are doing better.