Thursday, November 06, 2008

I was homesick a while back and really missing GA and most especially my friends and family. But you know what? I have some really great friends here too. And some really great friends that have moved away from here and whom I miss very much. I still talk to them, but I can't just stop by their house or call and invite them to IHOP at 10PM. And other friends who don't write blogs (yet). And some who do but I'm not sure if they'd appreciate a link. Does that cover everyone? But they are awesome. Midwest is pretty good sometimes. I must say that the education here is better than in the South. I'm sure you can tell by my writing - HA! And the corn is so good, I have dreams about it.

I'm really glad we moved our family here. We have really grown together as our own little unit. We needed to be somewhere on our own, even though my mom misses her babies. I'm sure you understand, and if you don't there's something wrong with you. Well sorry, somebody had to tell you. Also, your zipper is down.

Anyway, just from the 2 votes so far on my little poll up there on the right, I know what you really stopped by for.

So here ya go. More hilariosity from out here in corn-ville.

On the way out the door, Pickles was supposed to grab his piano books. In the car I asked him if he had his books. "Yeah, I got my books, but I ain't got no talent!" So I told him to go back into the house to get it...

Bud said he wanted to be a robot when he grew up. And go to the moon. I told him he could be whatever he wanted to be, but that being a robot meant he would have to wear metal undies. He said he'd have to think about that.

And this is a story that happened a while ago, but some of y'all haven't heard it. We were riding home from school when Bud wailed from the back seat, "Moooooooooommmm! I keep NOT brushing my teeth and they're still there. I want the tooth fairy to come!"

We're teaching Hamster to count, he gets to 11 and then gets caught in the 8, 9, 10, 11, 8, 9, 10, 11 loop that frequently catches wee ones. So he started being funny and whenever I say 1, he says 4. And then 2, he says 4. And 3, he says 4. And on and on. And then he gets to where he's laughing so hard, he can't say it anymore. I love him and all his curly mop-top fluffiness!


Eve said...

Aw, I miss ya too! Thanks for the tip about my zipper... no seriously, these pants' button fell off and the zipper keeps comin' down.

dancin' momma said...

Understand! Love being here on our own. And good to know I'm not the only one who dreams about corn...

NOBODY said...

Ooooooh, this was random AND kids. Best kind. I love "Also, your zipper is down." and that you sent Pickles back in for talent and that you dream about corn. You are very funny.

Also, I'd just like to say that TODAY, just TODAY I realized how you came to all the names. They aren't random at all. You might be random, but the kids' names aren't. Pretty cool. And I'm very smart. That's all I have to say about that.