Tuesday, November 04, 2008

I was sorely disappointed by the political atmosphere here in Iowa. It was overwhelmingly Democrat in nature, which in itself doesn't bother me. I've actually had some good conversations with Dems before, in fact a lot of my friends are Dem. and they were able to explain their convictions. Let me reiterate before we go on that I self-identify as a Libertarian/Constitutionalist.

As I was saying, my Dem friends are almost all highly intelligent thoughtful people who genuinely want to help others. And can support their decisions. What gets me, and there are far more Dems who think like this, is that so many vote Dem because they want handouts. There is someone who we have known since we started school here who voted Obama. For some reason she told my kids, and they said don't you realize that he wants to raise taxes? She said, yeah, but only for people who make more than 250K.

Hey You!!! You are in a doctorate program! How much money do you think you are going to make in your practice? And the people who think they are not going to have to pay for their own gas or mortages anymore. Sadly they are right. They probably will get they shit paid fo. I can write dialect like that, I got south of Atlanta cred.

So I decided I would vote for Brak. Not Barack. Brak.


I think if cartoon characters ran the world, things would probably make a lot more sense.

Sorry, this is all I got tonight. My first day of school kind of wiped me out. Congratulations to Mrs. Raz on her new baby. We love y'all!


Eve said...

Hey Braky Wacky!

ucmama said...