Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mud and Donkey jokes

It's that beautiful time that comes twice a year here, where everything is covered in mud. It's between the Oh, aren't the leaves pretty stage that lasts for an hour and Oh, isn't the snow pretty stage. The pretty snow stage lasts about 2 weeks. After that the snow is black and gets pushed into giant piles in grocery store parking lots, and it ain't so pretty anymore. So the mud arrives, blown in on great grey* clouds. The clouds hang around to make sure the humans are irritated sufficiently by the mud, then they move on to bigger and better mudholes like Chicago, or like the top halves of Indiana and Ohio. So while the clouds quietly smirk, every pair of shoes we own gets covered in a thick black mud that dries to a color not unlike the clouds. And the trees tend to look a little grey too. And the houses. And the grass that has died. And the leaves that were pretty. And the... what? you get it? Moving on then.

So I'm getting into the groove of school again. It's strange what 10 years of experience outside of college will do for a gal. 12 semester hours as an 18 year-old freshman used to do me in, but I'm taking 17 hours now and the hardest class I have is bookkeeping. That may be because I'm kind of that's good enough type person. A big idea rather than a detail person, if you will. Or even if you won't.

But I really like going to school now. The buildings are really old and so are a lot of the teachers, but the curriculum is interesting. I was going to test out of some of the classes, but I decided to stay in them. They're fun and it'll be good to brush up on a few things.

I gotta go feed the kiddos before an activity tonight, but I leave you with a joke that Bud made up.

How do you get a donkey on the roof? With a shoe.
Yeah, not really that funny, but he likes it.

*grey - I like this spelling better. The e looks flatter than the a in the American spelling and has more of a sense of the actual color. Sort of squashed...

And if you haven't voted about the content of this blog yet, do it now! Or don't, cause I'll just keep blogging about whatever I want anyway. Not that I don't value your opinion dear reader, or maybe I really don't value your opinion and I'm just being narcissistic! I'll guess you'll never know...unless I blog about. This is getting too ridiculous even for me - BYE!


Olivia Meikle said...

you forgot the big empty fields that used to contain soybeans and now contain . . . grey.

I'm with you on the spelling, by the way.

Anonymous said...

.... and that, darlin', is why you were born in Atlanta. After 17 years of PA and OH winters, I left for college in Atlanta. BTW, "grey" is French, so if you want to encourage the frogs .... d'accord. However, a nice Italian "gray" is "grei" .... tanto meglio. Back to an earlier blog, those weirdos in your 'hood do make me worry about my babies. Give them all hugs and kisses from me. See you soon.

Eve said...

Haarma... that means grey in Finnish. Graybeal was broken down into Gray-the color and Beal, which was close to bil("beel"-Swedish), but the Finns add an i on it to make work, so it's bili("beelee"),or they would translate it into Finnish as auto("ow-tow") meaning car. So they called me Sisar Haarmabili, or Sisar Haarmaauto. But my friend Kai nicknamed me Mersu- short for Mercedes. Isn't that funny!