Monday, December 01, 2008

This blog is like a box of chocolates. You never know if your chocolate is gonna be politically-flavored, kid-flavored, or just plain nougat. If it's nougat, you can keep it. I hate those.

Remember yesterday? Hopefully you do, and hopefully you read my blog on politics yesterday too, cause I love me some fans. Anyway, I should have remembered to be careful what I wished for, because today the Pentagon has announced that they want to deploy 20,000 troops inside the U.S. This is obviously to help local law enforcement agencies in case of terrorist/nuclear attacks.

What? You don't believe that? You think that maybe the govt wants to be even more involved in the daily lives of Americans? Yeah, so do I. Good thing we agree. And if you don't agree, then leave a comment or write your own blog. Blogs should be like bellybuttons - everyone should have one.

*warning, boring links ahead*
The only thing wrong with this though, is that it's against the law for the military to be involved in local enforcement. According to the Posse Comitatus Act, a 130-year-old fed'l law that restricts the military's role in domestic law enforcement, unless it's expressly authorized by the Constitution or an Act of Congress. So Bush, our lame duck pres., is especially fond of getting rid of this particular Act. After Hurricane Katrina, he had it signed into law that the military could take over in New Orleans following the disaster. That one was repealed entirely later on.

So where I'm going with this is here --> What's to stop this from eventually becoming a country where the military 'aids' local law enforcement in traffic stops?

Can you show me your papers ma'am? Why did you file the serial numbers off your gun ma'am? Can you please explain to us ma'am, why you have an extensive underground cache of food storage, automatic weapons, and chocolate?

OK, I promise the next few posts will be about my kids (for the Grandmama) or weird stuff. Probably both.

I'm giving myself subliminal messages I think. For some reason, I really need to go buy a Snickers bar...


Olivia Meikle said...

Buy one? I thought you had one in your basement cache?!?

Is there ANY small slice of power left that W doesn't want to get his hands on? I didn't think so.(Did you hear that, Mr. President? I'm talking about YOU! but not on MY blog . . .)

Olivia Meikle said...

Alright, I've tried and tried to keep my thoughts to myself, but I just can't stand it any more . . .

HOW can people NOT LIKE NOUGAT! And how can you feel okay about being so obviously and publicly prejudiced? What has nougat ever done to you? Geez. You're so candyist.

ucmama said...

I have a club for that too...and you can't come. hmmph!

ucmama said...

OK, you can come :)

Rebekah said...

I love nougat. And also caramel. And also nuts. All dipped in chocolate. With chocolate pieces on the inside... Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that I cheated on your little poll. I selected every option. I enjoy reading all of your ramblings.
And you were in my dream the night before last. You and your husband and your cute kids. I think I was babysitting for you.
And lastly, thank you for thinking my baby is beautiful. I agree with your assessment. And he just pooted. I think that was him agreeing, too.

Eve said...

Something exciting is going to happen in three weeks, and I've got it tooooo.... the excitement I mean!

ucmama said...

How could your baby not be beautiful? And I'll save the other half of the nougat chocolates. There will only be halves, because I will have to bite them all to see what's inside.

Anonymous said...

i also love nougat.... and also had a strange wanting of snickers and chocolate.... that was stephanie plums fault though:-)