Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Conversation on the way home from school.

Bud: Mom, are there still woolly mammoths?
Pickles: No you idiot! They're all dead.
Me: Pickles! That's inappropriate! Don't call your brother an idiot.
Pickles: Sorry Bud. Mom? How big were woolly mammoths?
Me: 1 and half times the size of a regular elephant.
Pickles: So they were really small?
Me: Not HALF the size. Just like 1 and a half elephants put together.
Bud: What parts would the half be?
Me breaking the cycle of crazy (sort of) and modifying a Super L joke: How do you make woolly mammoth cocoa?
Sassafras: How?
Me: You get a cup of hot water, and you put in a marshmallow and a woolly mammoth.
Sassafras: ewwwwwww! It would be full of wool!
Pickles: That would be way nasty Mom, cause you know woolly mammoths are really gassy.

and things just went downhill from there...


M.Howerton said...

HILARIOUS!! I love way down hill stuff! :)

logan said...

Can I just have your kids! For serious. They make me giggle so much!

I know when I'm having a bad day, I can read your blog and it makes me smile.


Olivia Meikle said...

So I thought my version of that conversation was funny. But you, my friend, and your children, are the funniest.

But like anybody didn't know that.

How does Pickles know Mammoths were gassy? And has he informed the Paleontologists? This is valuable information.