Friday, January 23, 2009

It's that time of year again.

Anyone need any Girl Scouts cookies? I mean, if you haven't already bought some from the little girl at church, some from your niece, some from the neighbor girl, or some from your co-worker's daughter. Or maybe you have. Maybe you've bought at least two boxes from each of those little girls because how can anyone say no to a little girl with cookies?

I think the marketing of these addictive cookies is sheer genius. It's like selling crack for only two weeks a year. You can deny you have a problem, since your drugs only last a few weeks at most. But you buy more the next year and put extra in the freezer. You know you do. You know you love it. So you buy just one more box from that cutest of marketers. A Girl Scout. How can you resist? It's just a box of cookies for Pete's sake!

But they freeze so well, you tell yourself.
You're planning on having a get together and it would be great to put GS cookies out. EVERYone loves GS cookies.
You can just buy the low fat ones.
You HAVE to try the new ones. You know, the lemon ones.
They're called THIN mints. They don't make you fat.
You're supporting a national do-gooding organization.
It's for the CHILDREN!

You can buy an extra box from Sassafras if you want. I won't tell anyone your dirty little secret...

I have to say that this is the funniest, as well as mildly disturbing, video I've seen in a long time.


Becky said...

Thought you guys weren't doing it this year! Well, crap!
Pssst: Put me down for one box of lemon ones! I really wanted to try them!
Gotta feed that fix while I can!!!

PS We will then have 5 boxes in our house!

Anonymous said...

Dude, that was hilarious. And disturbing.
Now Bo thinks he can do it, but really all he's doing is pursing his lips and wobbling his head around. I haven't the heart to tell him....

Becky said...

Ok the boy, halarious! The girl, more disturbing! But when the balloon came out, it all ended up ok!!!

Eve said...


jm said...

That was hilarious!