Monday, January 26, 2009


I'm not feeling too inspired to whip up a nice delicious post right now. But, I figured that if I just sat down and put something on "paper", maybe I could deliver something slightly interesting.

My day started out much much earlier than I would have liked for it to. Before 6 AM actually. Which wouldn't have been too bad, except that I didn't go to sleep before 1AM. Because I was up studying. Because James wasn't home all day Saturday or Sunday. But the kids were. And they had activities. And I had activities. And I got to do them all alone. So I didn't get a whole lot of studying done over the weekend.

But you didn't come to hear me complain did you? No, you came to hear me be hilarious about mundane things involving my kids with maybe a side dish of political musings.

Well, too bad. This morning on my walk up the hill to school from the parking lot, in the cold, because it's winter here, I watched 2 high school girls walking away from the high school. Kind of curious, says I, but since I didn't really care, it was just one of those things that passes away into the dark recesses of useless memories. Until the girls started screaming cuss words. At the car following them slowly. Their MOTHER was in car! Telling them to get into the car that minute. They screamed back, lacing their objection with obscenities. And then started running down a side street. That was when the mother stopped the car and jumped out to chase them. It was all very special.

But it made me think. When did that mother lose the respect of her kids? Did she ever have it? Did she treat her children with respect? This wasn't a problem that started a month or two ago. My mother and I screamed at each other. Not very often, but I was a teenager once. We disagreed on a lot of things. But never once would I have even considered cussing at my mom. It wasn't even an option. How does a mother/child relationship make it to that point? I'm pretty confident I'm doing things with my own parenting that will make an exchange like that never happen between my own children and me. Very sad indeed.

But I'm passing all my classes. I even have 3 A's. Sorry I don't have straight A's Mom and Dad. I guess I'm not living up to my "potential". (Do the quotes in the air for me)

Anyway, that's all y'all git fer t'naht. Ahm all writed out and Ah cain't do no more.


Becky said...

Oh the horror stories! Girls and moms yelling! I don't know if I can handle it!!!
I hope that I am doing all I can. bad days happen, but I agree. That doesn't sound like it had just started!
Parents of the, hang on!!! We can make it!

The Nana said...

I didn't live up to my "potential" either and still not according to the same people. Who are those people anyway and where are they now, hmmmmm?