Thursday, January 29, 2009

Conversations with Pickles

Pickles: Are leopards mean?
(He asks this question regularly in various forms - Are worms/spiders/wolves/aliens/Bigfoots mean?)
me: Pickles, leopards are animals! Sure, they eat other things to stay alive, but they don't trip other leopards and then laugh! Animals aren't mean.
Pickles: MOM! You know what I mean!
me: Uh, actually Pickles, I don't. But that's what makes you special.
Pickles: What are we having for dinner?
me: Noodles with sausage, peppers, onions, and mushrooms.
Pickles: That's disgusting Mom! Onions!?! Hey Bud, look at what was in my nose!
Pickles: When I grow up, I don't want to have any tattoos.
me: Well you don't have to. You never have to do anything you don't want to do. There are consequences for every action, good and bad. And-
Pickles (interrupting): Cause it would hurt. And I don't want to get my ears pierced either. You know, like Dad.
Pickles: You know what I hear sometimes when you talk Mom?
me: tell me my little cheeseburger...
Pickles: blah, blah, blah, blah. I TRY to listen, but sometimes you're boring!
me: Pickles, don't be rude. When I talk to you, it's important that you listen.
Pickles: huh?
Pickles: I want a gecko for a pet.
me: You have to keep your room clean. That will show me that you're responsible enough for a pet.
Pickles: A gecko won't care if my room is clean.
me: That's not the point.
Pickles: Ok then, how about a turtle?
me: No.
Pickles: Then how about a red eared slider?
me: That's a kind of turtle
Pickles: How did you know that?
Pickles: Mom, you said there was no such thing as a Super Croc
(Prehistoric reptiles are another favorite topic around here)
me: That's not what I said. I said it's not called a super croc technically. It has a scientific name.
Pickles: Oh, I know. It's a Sarcosuchus imperator. They found it in the desert and it was more than two of our trucks long. It weighed about 8 tons.
(Pickles likes facts)
me: That's very interesting Pickles. You're so smart!
Pickles: I know. I thought for awhile that I was smarter than you since you said there was no Super Croc.
Pickles: Sometimes I wish I was a cartoon character.


logan said...

Thanks for making me giggle so much at my cubicle that people think I'm weird.

I totally love the "I thought for awhile that I was smarter than you..."...classic.


The Nana said...

Loooooooove iiiiit! Oh, and I love how Sass didn't have to do anything to get me to buy cookies except to call. I didn't feel bad about buying anymore since I got Rachel to also, muahahaha....

The Nana said...

Sorry, this is really Eve, apparently my mom never signs out of her account, but she doesn't post anything new ;P

NOBODY said...

You do have cute kids. Love the pictures.

I love the conversations with Pickles. They should be a regular feature.

"blah blah blah"
gotta love that honesty.

ucmama said...

Thanks! I think my kids are cute/funny/smart/etc, but it's nice to hear from someone else too :)

Becky said...

I love the "blah, blah, blah"! I think that is what my girls, think, too. They just won't tell me.

Anonymous said...

wow.... you boring????? pickles just doesnt know any better:-)