Thursday, January 15, 2009

More cool stuff

MORE because I had a very cool post with 3 other things that made my heart fill with blood and stupid blogspot deleted it. It can't possibly be my fault, so it had to be something else. If I get around to finding the links again, I promise I'll repost those awesome, awesome things.

Watch out for flying poop!
If you happen to be in the Tampa Bay Area, you need to watch out for a loose monkey who likes to throw poop. Be careful. I'm just sayin'.

PSA alert. Do NOT stick your tongue to a frozen pole. Or to a door handle (Mom). Didn't this kid learn anything from The Christmas Story? I MAKE my kids watch it for its educational value. It's got multi-culturalism (the dinner scene and Fra-gee-lay). It's got nature (the neighbor's dogs). AND it's got the triumph of good over evil (the Black Bart daydream). I mean, it's got it all!


Anonymous said...

Just point out to your devoted readers that the Mom comment was referring to someone who was six years old at the time and answered to the name of Mary Beth. She was one heck of a cute little girl ....

NOBODY said...

Right, right, educational value....

That was Bo's favorite movie when he was 3. I had a little problem with that, but then again, hearing a 3 year old with some serious speech impediments quote it---you can pay for that kind of comedy.

M.Howerton said...

A Christmas Story is Tradition in our house. Every year. Like 20 times. Cory and I laugh. The kids have no clue. I like your reasoning behind the educational value though, I'll have to try it that way!:)

Olivia Meikle said...

You forgot the most outstanding moment of multicultural education--the Chinese restaurant! Especially appropriate over here, lemme tell you.

MAN I love that show. My Dad actually used that movie, in very seriously academically enriching ways, while teaching a marriage class. It was beyond hilarious.

Becky said...

Love that show! We learn so much from that show! But really, I love to laugh so hard I almost cry!