Sunday, January 04, 2009

Funeral report

Sorry if this post bores you. Actually I don't care if it does, this is more for peeps that know or are family. But if you like it, well that's good too.

I'd like to say that Granddad's funeral was as nice as a funeral could be. The funeral home in PA was compassionate and accommodating. The director didn't bat an eye about GrandDad having teabags and poppy seeds under his pillow. He also didn't mind GrandDad having a piece of juicy fruit gum in his hands, or that there was an alligator sticker on his lapel, or even that there was a alligator tucked in his sleeve. I'm pretty sure there was a couple other little things that were tucked away in the coffin too, but this weekend was a little blurry and I just can't remember it all. My aunt L**d* and my mom put together photo boards of GrandDad surrounded by all his "louved ones".

I got to spend time with lots of family. That can be good and bad. It was mostly good. I reconnected with my littler cousins. They are intelligent, well-rounded, and very cool. Good job Aunt L**r* and Uncle J***. I spent time with my cousin R*** and his wife. He's very into Star Trek, which I think is awesome. Don't tell D**** that or she won't invite me over again. He has his own room to hold his Star Trek stuff and she's afraid it will spill out into the rest of the house. He's into other things too, so don't assume he speaks Vulcan or anything. Although he may possibly...

There was a pretty large number of people who came. What I mean is that he died in FL. He hadn't lived in PA for a long time. Lots of my Grandma's family is still in the area though. And everyone had dearly loved him.

All 4 of GrandNorma's kids came too. I appreciate them coming and I'm sure Mom did too. And they are awesome at bowling :)

I'm glad to be back home. Did I just call the Midwest home? I've gone NATIVE! Well, home is where your family is, so wherever James and the kids are, that's my home. I would rather have in a house in the South though. 2 more years... 2 more years... 2 more years...

1 comment:

Becky said...

What a great post! I'm sorry that things were so crazy!
Star Trek, I totally had 4 friends (2 girls, 2 guys) that spoke Klingon (yeah I know how to spell that). Glad to hear that there are others out there.
Call me and we will go to the new movie coming out this year!