Friday, January 16, 2009

Here's the cool news I tried to post yesterday.

Go here to see truly amazing photos of the earth. They are breathtaking.

Also, many many kudos to the pilot who successfully crash-landed that plane in the Hudson yesterday. What a hero!

Take a look at this

Can you imagine the possibilities? How about an entire knit body? That has removable knit organs? Very cool.

Scientists have also come up with a way to create plastics using wood pulp. Or hemp, which I would prefer. Hemp is an extremely cost effective alternative to wood, but that's a whole other post. The plastics though, would NOT be made from crude oil as they are now, but rather renewable non-toxic materials.

and one more quick note. I plan on getting photos up in the next week so you can all bask in the cuteness that is my kids.


Charlotte said...

That woman has too much time on her hands. And I go to the Boston Science Museum occasionally, so I am going to check it out next time.

sarah said...

Those are pretty cool pictures of the earth.

Becky said...

Breathtaking! That was so beautiful! Thank you for sharing!

NOBODY said...

oh! wha! WHA! Sorry...I fell asleep. Did I miss anything?

ucmama said...

I'm jealous Charlotte! I hope you enjoy it.

Super L and Curly, you're welcome.

Nobody, go back to sleep honey, you didn't miss a thing.