Wednesday, January 07, 2009

How do I know my kids have been playing the new Christmas Wii way too much?

1. They've started saving their money so they buy more games.
2. Hamster cries for 20 minutes because he couldn't play and instead had to read a book with Mommy.
3. They have been asking their friends for their Wii numbers so they can "hook-up".
4. They can now discuss the differences and merits of all the Super Mario Bros. games.
5. Sassafras sings Hamster to sleep by doo-wapping the theme song to Mario Kart.

Did I ever tell you I'm jealous of parents who tell their kids to go to bed and they actually do it? Well, I am. The other night, after threatening to spank my kids if I heard them ONE MORE TIME, I heard Pickles and Bud upstairs. Sneaking upstairs so they wouldn't hear me and so I could gauge how severe my reaction to their disobedience should be, I found Pickles (he's 7) doing a load of laundry. Bud (age 5) was sitting in his tiny boxer shorts (only) on the edge of the sink. They were discussing roller coasters and how much one might cost. After I eavesdropped for another minute, I kissed them and sent them back to bed. I couldn't be mad that Pickles had gotten out of bed because he had forgotten to do one of his chores and Bud was just there to keep him company. So while I have children who refuse to go to bed the first 37 times I tell them to, I also have a 7 year-old who knows how to separate lights from darks. I'll take my spunky laundry-doers any day.


dancin' momma said...

The doing laundry thing is very impressive. Is is sad that I wish my three year old could do her own laundry?

Anonymous said...

LOL to dancin' momma, that's funny!

I still would have beat them. You are just a softy.

ucmama said...

You just have to get a step stool D momma. And Nobo, you can come beat my kids anytime you want. For a small fee of course.

Anonymous said...

You do remember your own momma sitting at the top of the stairs at bedtime, so that the three of you could not sneak (giggling) into each others' rooms after being sent upstairs?

logan said...

Haha! This post made me giggle. All your kids make me giggle. and of course the mom/grandmom comment made me giggle.


Becky said...

What is it with kids and not wanting sleep! I don't know about you, but CRAP, I wish I could go to bed at 8pm! You would think that the whining would get old and they would fall asleep! Nope!
And the laundry thing. We have the dishes and sweeping and table washing going on with the 6 and 4 year olds. But laundry, huh. I will have to think about that one!